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A milestone: you've posted 10 comments. Tip of the hat to you being sociable. This Community is a livelier place thanks to you.

36 members have this badge

Carry on supporting others by liking their ideas, stories, and comments! It means so much to them. And from now on, do it with the official Supporter badge.

21 members have this badge

Your commitment to supporting others in this Community is admirable. You're setting an example. That's why we're awarding you the Committed Supporter badge. Keep liking posts you are fond of.

8 members have this badge

A true Conversationalist, that is what you are. You've replied to others' posts. We appreciate that a lot.

54 members have this badge

We bow to you. And when we get back up, we'll award you the Active Conversationalist badge. Congratulations for all the interesting conversations you made happen.

20 members have this badge

You've created 2 new threads – great! Thanks for breaking the ice for others. Keep sharing your thoughts with the Community.

74 members have this badge

You've created 5 new threads. That makes you a real Raconteur. We love having you telling us stories. That's what this Community is about.

20 members have this badge

You certainly know how to start a discussion – you're a Super Ice Breaker, and a worthy owner of this badge. Thank you for sharing your thoughts in our Community.

14 members have this badge

Other members like what you're posting: you've received 5 likes. We are sure this is just the beginning. So carry on sharing your stories with the Community!

0 members have this badge

You are an esteemed member of this Community. Many others liked your posts. This badge awarded to you proves it.

0 members have this badge

You really are getting a lot of love from the Community. You're the incarnation of the word 'popular'. Hence, we're giving you this badge. But don't stop here! You know love has no limits ;)

0 members have this badge

You wrote a blog post for the official Community blog. Hence, you fully deserve this badge that is carried by very esteemed authors.

18 members have this badge

Before this Community was born, there was the Paraforum. This badge is a token of appreciation to the members who were active in the Paraforum.

46 members have this badge

You were part of this Community before it was even live. This badge is only awarded to the chosen few being here right from the start.

545 members have this badge

An Oscar – actually speaks for itself, doesn’t it? ;)

1 members have this badge

50 likes – hooray! Congratulations, you have clearly proven that your post are appreciated. It's not hard to see people are listening. Members like you are indispensable in this Community. Keep up the good work!

0 members have this badge

You gave your first like. Might not be a big deal for you, but it probably means the world to someone else. Thanks for acknowledging other members' contributions. They appreciate it, and we appreciate it.

79 members have this badge

Those who like, spread joy. And you – you are generous with your likes! That’s why we’re awarding you with the Benefactor badge. Congratulations and keep up the good work!

4 members have this badge

Not only are you an ice breaker but your warmth melts the ice. You are always there for the Community, ready to initiate in the many insightful discussions. It is for this reason you deserve this award!

7 members have this badge

Everyone wants someone like you by their side. You are a valued companion. You are always there for others ready to lend an ear or offer a kind word to someone. We truly value your sincerity, opinion, and commitment. Thank you very much for being you.

17 members have this badge