Good news: Insured persons do not have to offset the helplessness allowance from disability insurance (in contrast to that from accident insurance) either in full or proportionately against the care contributions from health insurance companies.
In its judgement BGer 9C_480/2022, the Federal Supreme Court states that the care contributions under Article 25a of the Federal Health Insurance Act are ‘quite complementary to the helplessness allowance’ from the disability insurance.
The Institute for Legal Advice of the Swiss Paraplegics Association (SPV) will comment on the Federal Court judgement in the March issue of ‘Paracontact’ magazine.
Landmark judgement on care contributions
Good news: Insured persons do not have to offset the helplessness allowance from disability insurance (in contrast to that from accident insurance) either in full or proportionately against the care contributions from health insurance companies.
In its judgement BGer 9C_480/2022, the Federal Supreme Court states that the care contributions under Article 25a of the Federal Health Insurance Act are ‘quite complementary to the helplessness allowance’ from the disability insurance.
The Institute for Legal Advice of the Swiss Paraplegics Association (SPV) will comment on the Federal Court judgement in the March issue of ‘Paracontact’ magazine.