Long-term SPC urologist Professor Jürgen Pannek reveals fascinating insights about how people with spinal cord injury cope on a daily basis and what quality of life means
Things that make life easier and harder for Filipinos with SCI – reported by our Filipino author Andrea
A wheelchair can be a faithful companion if well taken care of. But what happens with it after it has been sorted out?
People with disabilities in search of sexual pleasure and better well-being
Preparing for emergencies as people with disabilities
It is time for more support for artists with disabilities as #ItPaysToBeInclusive
Extending inclusion to the world of artificial intelligence
Learning from cats on how to cope with life-challenging events and yet, live fulfilling life
Crying may not be a sign of weakness but a good way to express your emotions
Inclusive education in practice
The fight for personal space, safety and independence
Recognizing the value of the world's largest minority group
From body positivity to body neutrality
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