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ParaHelp – experience and competence for you at home

ParaHelp specialises in advice and care for patients with spinal cord injuries, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or spina bifida. Together with the patients themselves, their relatives and experts, we develop individual solutions to the challenges of everyday life. We help to prevent complications caused by the paralysis, to optimise living conditions, and to maintain as much independence as possible. In all phases of life, we use our experience and competence to provide support across Switzerland as a consulting partner.

ParaHelp can provide advice at home in the following specialist areas:

  • Optimal positioning and transfer techniques to prevent complications such as damage to skin and shoulder pain
  • Practical guidance on bladder and bowel management
  • Advice on wound treatment
  • Advice on and organisation of aids, for example obtaining a suitable mattress
  • Assessments of current care needs and organisation of offers relating to care, aids, and holidays
  • Independence training for children and adolescents in wheelchairs
  • Case management of patients with ALS

parahelp beratung

A contact point for elderly people with spinal cord injuries

With increasing age, it becomes more difficult to cope with everyday life. One's partner may no longer be willing or able to provide care. The existing infrastructure and safety measures no longer meet changing needs. The Coordination office “Old Age and accommodation” is a contact point for ParaHelp that specialises in the well-being of elderly people with spinal cord injuries. We offer advice on the challenges of everyday life and, together with those affected and their relatives, look for solutions that allow as much self-determination as possible.

ParaHelp works together with many institutions across Switzerland. Each of these institutions offers living solutions that include services, Spitex nursing and caring at home, and an affiliated or nearby nursing home. According to their personal needs, residents benefit from care services, home help, and from the advantages of an infrastructure with shops, restaurants, bars, a bank, and a post office in their immediate vicinity.

koordinationsstelle alter und wohnen

Our network of partners at your service

ParaHelp works in a closely networked manner to provide its clients with optimal support in all circumstances. Our partners comprise all four clinics for patients with spinal cord injuries in Switzerland, hospitals, GPs, insurance companies, patient organisations, Spitex, and establishments that contact ParaHelp requesting various services. Nurses are advised and trained in various key aspects of the care of people with spinal cord injuries.

Providing those affected with advice as early on as possible increases the chances of sustainable improvement of the situation. For this reason, we recommend that our clients contact us in good time when new needs or questions arise at home.

You will find up-to-date information on our website

ParaHelp AG

Guido A. Zäch Strasse 1, 6207 Nottwil

+41 41 939 60 60

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The offer is part of the broad network of services for comprehensive rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injuries, supported by the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation.

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